Announcements and Public Auctions > Assigned public auctions

  • CNPR procedure no.RO427410-2022-70.02 - Lending services to finance current activity, through credit lines in the total amount of 40,000,000 lei (forty million) over a period of 12 months
  • The purchase of 7,000 smart PDA devices, 7,000 mobile data subscriptions, 7,000 mobile printers and an additional 1,600 mobile printers (compatible with the CAT S42H+ rugged phones already owned by the Company, which will also be used in the purpose of this project), MDM application for remote control of PDA devices. CPV code: 30232110-8; 3225000-0; 7231800-7, "
  • CNPR procedure no.RO427410-2021-70.01 - Lending services in order to finance the current activity, through credit lines in the total amount of 60,000,000 lei (sixty million) over a period of 12 months
  • CNPR procedure no. RO427410-2021-84.04 - Lending services to finance current activity, through credit lines in the total amount of 30,000,000 lei (thirty million) over a period of 12 months
  • Subscription to telecommunications services, data transmissions and GPS coordination
  • CNPR procedure no.RO427410-2021-84.01/84.02/84.03 - Lending services to finance current activity, through credit lines in the total amount of 60,000,000 lei (sixty million) over a period of 12 months
  • CNPR procedure no.RO427410-2020-81.03 - "Long-term lending services for the realization of investments included in the multi-annual investment plan in the form of a cap of approx. 200,000,000 lei":
  • CNPR procedure no.RO427410-2020-81.03 - Credit services for current activity in the amount of 10,000,000 lei, in the form of a credit line for a period of 12 months
  • C.N.P.R procedure no. RO427410-2020 - 171.01/11.01 - "Purchase of preventive medical services of occupational medicine, which ensures the supervision of a maximum number of 25,300 employees - CPV85147000 and purchase of medical services regarding the medical and psychological examination of personnel with traffic safety attributions, for a maximum number of 1000 employees CPV:85148000, in accordance with the internal regulation regarding the organization and development of the procurement of social services and other specific services provided in Annex No. 2 of Law 99/2016" on the CNPR website.
  • CNPR procedure no.RO427410-2020-81.01 - Lending services to finance current activity, through credit lines in the total amount of 20,000,000 lei (twenty million) over a period of 12 months
  • CNPR procedure no. RO427410-2020-81.02 - Lending services to finance current activity, through credit lines in the total amount of 30,000,000 lei (thirty million) over a period of 12 months
  • CNPR procedure no. RO427410-2019-288.01 - Main VPN line (link) communication services, Layer 2 connectivity for replication and guaranteed fixed internet access" through the negotiation procedure without prior invitation to a competitive bidding procedure.
  • CNPR procedure no.RO427410-2019-64.05 - Lending services to finance current activity, through a revolving credit line in the amount of 30,000,000 lei (thirty million) over a period of 24 months
  • CNPR procedure no. RO 427410-2019-64.04 - Credit services to finance current activity, through a credit line in the amount of 10,000,000 lei for a period of 12 months
  • CNPR procedure no.RO427410-2019-64.02÷ 64.04 - Lending services to finance current activity, through credit lines in the total amount of 40,000,000 lei (forty million) over a period of 12 months
  • Procedure RO427410-2019-64.01 - Lending services in order to finance current activity, through credit lines in the total amount of 20,000,000 lei (twenty million) for a period of 12 months was awarded by Banca Transilvania SA according to the award announcement
  • Procedure no. RO427410-2018-20.03 - Auditing services of real flow meters was awarded according to award notice no. CAN1008358/28.11.2018, published in SICAP.
  • Procedure no. 17/2018 - lending services in the amount of 70,000,000 lei (seventy million) over a period of 12 months was awarded by the Banca de Export Import a Romania EximBank SA
  • Procedure 6/2018 - lending services to finance the current activity, through a credit line in the amount of 10,000,000 lei (ten million lei) for a period of 12 months, was assigned by the Banca de Export Import a Romania EximBank SA
  • CNPR procedure no. 1/2018 - lending services in order to finance the current activity, through credit lines in the total amount of 20,000,000 lei (twenty million lei) over a period of 12 months
  • CNPR procedure no. 29/2017 - Lending services to finance current activity
  • CNPR procedure no. 59/2017 - Credit services for current activity in the amount of 30,000,000 lei, in the form of a revolving credit line for a period of 24 months
  • CNPR procedure no. 67/2017 - Lending services to finance the current activity, through a credit line in the amount of 10,000,000 lei (ten million lei) for a period of 12 months - The announcement was assigned by the bidder OTP Bank Romanai SA;
  • CNPR procedure no. 58/2017- "Spare parts/Printing equipment consumables", with the following lots: Sewing machine wire"-LOT 1- was awarded by SC Materiale Tipografice Serti SRL
  • CNPR procedure no. 42/2017 - Award of framework agreement for a period of 2 (two) years for Occupational Medicine Services (Batch 1) and Transport Safety (batch 2)
  • Procedure no. 49/2017- Negotiation without prior invitation to a competitive bidding procedure with a view to concluding a supply contract for: "Cutting plate stamp punching machine layout "F" - tool profile WS-3" - Awarded by SC EUROCOM SA
  • CNPR procedure no. 89/ 2016 "Credit services for financing current activity"
  • CNPR procedure no. 36/2015 "Occupational medicine services" - Medical and psychological examination of personnel with attributions in transport safety
  • CNPR procedure no. 33/2015 "Metallic staples" - negotiation without prior publication of a notice of participation.
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