
MyPostalcard - A service offered by Romanian Post

incarca imagine


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  • Your message


  • Upload image -
  • Your message -
  • Recipient and sender data
Please fill in all required fields correctly and with real data. Otherwise, Posta Romana will not be able to perform the service for which you paid, and will return your paid service without prior notice. Thank you for understanding.

Recipient - Who receives

Choose shipping method


Simple postcard, arrives in maximum 6 days - via simple non-priority mail service


Postcard in envelope, registered, arrives in 3 days - via priority correspondence service + recommended service

Non-priority regime is not accepted for the selected country.

Sender - Who sends

I have read and agree to the terms and conditions*
I was informed about Privacy and Security Policy for Personal Data Processing and agree to the processing of personal data:
for postal services*
for marketing purposes (offers, advertisements, inquiries, questionnaires)
We inform you that for the MyPostalcard service, the personal data processing period is 18 months.
Fields marked with * are mandatory


  • Upload image -
  • Your message -
  • Recipient and sender data -
  • Preview

Tariff without VAT: lei

Tariff with VAT: lei

Processing tariff

Total: lei

File complaints

For delayed, missed, damaged, or other malfunctions.

For delayed, missed, damaged or other malfunctioning international postal items

Fill out the complaint form only if you notice delays or malfunctions in the provision of postal services or encounter other problems within them.


Attention! we don't take complaints via phone.

021 9393

Daily between
M - F: 0800 - 2000
     S: 0900 - 1300

Phone calls are charged at the normal rate.

Customer support

Ask a specific question and we will answer it as soon as possible.

Attention! Complaints are not accepted through the Customer Support form.
If you want to submit a complaint, use the Internal Complaints and External Complaints forms.

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